Case Study: Redefining online casino design

         Project Plan


Rebuild online casino design


Product Manager, 2 Product Designers,
UI Designer, Illustrator


14 weeks


80 dark mode screens + 80 light mode
screens + adaptive versions


Our client provides players with an exclusive range of the most popular table and live casino games. We partnered with the casino to reimagine its user experience and design a modern, attractive online casino design.

Technical limitations and design-related challenges were very real when we first started tackling UX issues. The wrong aesthetic can turn players away before they even look for their favorite games. We needed to find a way to draw players in from their first glimpse at our online casino website design, as well as keep them feeling comfortable and secure.



Through detailed user experience design and visual design research, we identified several issues with the client's current casino. By taking the client's branding to a higher level and implementing simplified navigation and a suite of responsive designs, we created an online casino website design that stands out from the competition and provides a more compelling experience for users.

Website - Dark Mode
Website - Light Mode

Adaptive Tablet - Dark Mode

Adaptive Tablet - Light Mode

Adaptive Mobile - Dark Mode

Adaptive Mobile - Light Mode

Mobile App - Dark Mode

Mobile App - Light Mode

Discovery Phase

What makes a winning online casino design? Are there any principles to follow to succeed? We kept looking for the answers to these questions while going through the discovery stage.

The gaming industry demands a playful approach. We have conducted market research to dig into popular games that hit the jackpot across the globe. We have also studied the common features of online casino design that gave us the vision of differentiating the product from the competitors.

While it's the casino's duty to provide players with a range of popular games, our task was to ensure their online casino website design could get their games in the limelight.

Information Architecture

A well-structured information architecture allows delivering content to the users in a clear, concise format. Our well-defined IA not only boosted the casino's usability but also refined usability and clarified the features of online casino website design.

Intuitive navigation

Online casinos are mainly judged according to game selection. Players can dive into a variety of games by clicking the menu tab. We made the navigation intuitive and concise so that the newcomers don't get lost among the abundance of choices.

Keeping players entertained

We made sure that players had fun all along their time experiencing the online casino website design. The client offers an expansive range of greatly designed tournaments and promotions so that players can stay engaged for a while. Users can now fix their favorite games at the top corner or customize the themes according to their preferences. To help the casino win the loyalty of newcomers, we implemented the bonus system.

With statistics in mind

To provide the players with a top-notch experience, we let them check the statistics of the games. Users can look over the number of games played, time spent online, most profitable games, and many more.

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