spain-finalises-projects-for-1.3m-gambling-harm-research-grantSpain’s national gambling regulator, The General Directorate of Gambling Regulation (DGOJ), announces a comprehensive governmental action aimed at prevention and mitigation of problem gambling in the country. The regulator also announces that the government has allocated a total of EUR 1.3 million to fund 26 projects to research into gambling harm in Spain.

Research Into Gambling Harm

The announcement follows the initiative of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs that launched the nation-wide application process in April 2023. The call for applications for 37 gambling-related research projects was distributed to universities, R&D centers, health care institutions, and non-profit organizations.

EUR 1.3 Million Available for 26 Projects

The authorities reportedly requested that submission be focused on gambling harm, as well as other adverse conditions related to gambling activities. The government reportedly allocated a total of EUR 1.3 million for 37 research projects but the Evaluation Commission reduced the number to 26 following the evaluation report of State Research Agency.

Spanish gambling regulator has also confirmed that the implementation of the approved projects will be extended until 30 June 2024.

DGOJ reportedly said:“These grants are aimed at carrying out research studies on disorders derived from gambling activity, with the prevention of the effects derived from said disorders or the risks associated with gambling.”

55.1% Increased Gaming Revenue in Q2 2023

The regulator’s confirmation of the number of research projects approved for funding by the government comes after this entity reported in September that the Spanish gambling market had generated EUR 312.6 million in gross gaming revenues in the second quarter of 2023. As reported by DGOJ on the occasion, the Q2 2023 revenue level represented a 55.1 percent higher figure than in 2022.

The increase was strongly supported by the casino segment that generated EUR 149.9 million, or around 48% of the total gambling market’s Q2 2023 revenues. The figure simultaneously represented a 27.9% increase when compared to the same period last year and a 4.5% growth over the Q1 2023.

Slot and roulette segments also recorded the increased revenue levels in comparison to the Q2 2022 to see 29.9% and, respectively, 8.9% higher levels in the given quarter of 2023.

However, the growth of the sports betting segment during the Q2 2023 saw the largest percentage. Spain’s sports wagering industry generated EUR €133.3 million in gross gaming revenues to stand for the 118.9% increase when compared to the same period of 2022.

The regulator also reported in September 2023 that the total handle was19.6% higher on the year-on-year basis but still 2.0% lower than in the Q1 2023. The increased handle resulted in 3.0% higher withdrawals than in the same period of 2022 and 2.3% lower than in the first quarter of 2023 that saw a respectively reduced handle.

Raising Awareness

The growth of the Spanish gambling industry raises the country’s economic benefits. In return, the government raises awareness of the gambling-related adverse consequences and allocates significant funds to alleviate their impact.


‘’Spain finalizes projects for €1.3m gambling harm research grant’’,, November 3, 2023.

The post Spain Funnels EUR1.3 Million to 26 Gambling Research Projects appeared first on Casino News Daily.

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